Thursday, August 8, 2013

Yesterday's entry plus today's!

Hello! Miss me??

As you all have noticed, i've changed my blog's layout once again and now it looks more uhmm.. nice isn't it?! Hahaha. And, all my previous post will be removed since i have changed my link to another blog which is this already.

Continuing from yesterday's entry, the only thing i can think of now from what happened yesterday was when i was in my Electrical class, this douche " Koh Wei Jie " caused me some unnecessary inconvenience and trouble.

Firstly it started off from me getting bored and i found a small little red wire tangling on a metal pipe. Then i took it, bend it and was asking ghim yam to try it on as if it was a ring. Then chin fong came and asked that douche koh to bring it to one of my female classmate " Emmaline " and tell her that i am the one who made it and wanted to give it to her to wear. Oh god dammit and i thought they were joking around so i didn't bother much about it. Then after that, that douche koh took my wire ring and went to pass it to her and somehow throw it on the floor infront of her. She then came and asked and told me that Mr Douche Koh threw it on the floor infront of her " if i wasn't wrong ", and i was like " Do i look like i would be so lame to make a ring out of a wire and give it to you?! ".

Even if i were to give a ring to a you, i would apparently give you at least a realistic one and just not a wired one.. Oh my, after that joke. He kept telling me sorry and what he did was just to play around with me though i do not see that as a joke at all and i was starting to feel annoyed by his actions.

DAY 2 (Today)

Woke up, brushed up and head on for breakfast with my family! Then, went back home to chill in my room and went on to watch documentary videos on youtube.

Received an ITE Alumni membership card in an envelop which is in my letter box and i was like (What the heck?! ) i didn't even applied for it for the past 2 years, not even this year. Though there were kind of quite afew benefits from the card like discount privileges.

Pardon my english used in this entry as i do not have the time to spell check for any mistakes due to being super busy in revising my upcoming exam notes!

Went to buy afew bowls of beancurd too to enjoy in the night time.

Shall end here for tonight & Goodnights!

The letter i recieved earlier this morning.

The insides.

Beancurd! I just can't express how much i fancy such beancurds then to Lao Ban's.