The humidity is really killing me and i suppose, everybody else..
Went to Pet Lovers Center and Pet Station today to "try" and get some of the priority stuffs for toffee. Got myself a big 3.2kg pack of citrus aspen wood shavings, hamster ball and also a big piece of grape flavored mineral chew! The wood shavings aren't any similar to cedar nor pine since i understand the fact that pine and cedar wood shavings are typically the main cause of respiratory problems and they pose a serious risk in choking our dear fluffy pets if they're accidentally swallowed.
This Aspen type is soft, a good absorbent and won't stink easily. So far so good, toffee likes it and i couldn't find any faults in it so, we'll see. The grape flavored mineral chew's grape scent is really god damn strong. It just smells like any other grape scented sweets that are easily obtainable from any titbit stores. Plus PLC in TheWoodgrove is having a litter sales and 3 big packets of paper litter cost only $44 now! With PLC member, it'll be $36 only. Luckily, i still have my PLC card in-tack with me.
Bought lots of food back home to eat since i would hardly even come out in normal circumstances plus i would be dead hungry normally at night. Maybe i'm starting to become nocturnal. Hehehe. LOL.
Just 2 more days to the release of my college results online. I can't express how nervous i am, thus i hope everything will be like what i'm expecting so. Hopefully! Since i want to continue till the next year finishes.
Actually, to be honest, i am alittle bit lazy to blog tonight but since i am doing nothing now other then listening to music, why not blog a little?? :D