Friday, October 11, 2013

Network Disruption [Solved]

Internet had been fully restored by SingTel today, 7 am in the morning! Therefore, I am able to surf the net plus i can also blog already! Having no internet for about 2-3 days can really kill me if there's no school too, since i spend most of my time online since i don't really go outdoors that much.

Can't really recall much on the things that had happened a few days back as my memory isn't that good thus i will just blog on those that i could still remember.

Recently, problems by problem had been starting to surface up under different circumstances and I won't be going into details just yet since it may be too early to judge anything just yet. Had just made a new smaller Clique which consist of 2 guys including me plus a girl at first and now it has been expanded to 2 more additional guys which made up into 4 guys 1 girl. Basically, this group is all about stress relieving, advises giving and much much more!

People changes as time goes by, and therefore there are bound to be problems created from time to time in-between this changes and since we couldn't control it, we'll just leave it to be.

Got bitten by my hamster yesterday night when i was about to change her a newer and bigger pastel housing when i poked her by accident while she was still in her slumber and there goes, 4 bite wound on my right index finger. I did washed the wound immediately with soap once i got bitten but now it seems like the wound has been infected because it's starting to feel itchy and sometimes a little bit stinging and painful if i accidentally bumped my finger onto something else.

School today was very quick and once we've finished with our job sheet, my clique together with Belinda and Kenneth went down with Mr Rakesh to have our first view of the security system cam services in their room! They made it real short on the explanations and it was like less then 5 minutes and then were all done, able to go home straight away!

Reached home, bath and ordered KFC! Ate and started with my programming for just a bit. Around 35% and i stopped, chatted with my Ba Gua Wu Ren Zu [Clique] and was planning for a Korean BBQ lunch/ dinner next Tuesday, since it is Deepavali on that specific day therefore, Public Holiday!

Then, played some music and went to laze on my bed till night time, went for a quick and short jog with sis and then back home. Can't sleep early tonight too, because i'm having a dungeon boss raid with my guild mates at around 2am in the morning! Arghh.. And this is the best time to have coffee! Hahaha.

And as you've noticed, i did some minor changes to my blog and also some internal javascript for my HTML 5 banner since i've been receiving notices from friends stating that the banner causes lag when, in between and after visiting my blog. I've also made some changes to my chat box! Which includes a ban on all IP addresses except for My and SG. They should be implemented latest by next Tuesday!